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Lauren Boyle

East End Cooperative Ministry Adjusts Meals and Food Distribution and Seeks Community Assistance

Updated: Jan 15, 2021

At EECM we have been closely monitoring the changing situation and as of this morning, in accordance with the recommendation of the CDC and the Allegheny County Health Department we are taking all necessary precautions to keep our food insecure clients, staff, volunteers and residents safe as we continue serving community hot meals and groceries through our pantry.

EECM is following the social distancing recommendations from the CDC and The Allegheny County Health Department by implementing the following changes:

Community Lunch: Our daily community lunch from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. will not be served in our dining room but rather as take-out only. Volunteers and staff will wear gloves and follow proper handling of take-out meals. Clients can pick up take-out bagged hot lunches and other food items at Entrance G of EECM’s building.

Food Pantry Distribution: Our food pantry will remain open but clients will not be able to enter the pantry, given social distancing and safety requirements. Staff and volunteers will fill bags with a variety of food items that will be handed to clients as they arrive.

At this time, because of the increased need for food and meal distribution for those who can’t afford to go to supermarkets to stock up during this health emergency, EECM requests monetary donations to our agency at As of now, our number of generous volunteers remains adequate but that could change and we thank any and all healthy volunteers for helping us serve our most vulnerable neighbors. If you’re interested in volunteering, go to our website at and click on the volunteer’s registration.

In addition, due to increased need we are also hoping to receive the following donated items:

  • Bottled Water

  • Canned tomato sauce, vegetables, beans

  • Spaghetti and macaroni pasta

  • Instant mashed potatoes

  • Canned soups

  • Oatmeal and whole grain cereals

  • Mac & Cheese boxes

  • White and brown rice

  • Disposable utensils (fork, spoon, knife)

  • Disposable plates

  • Disposable bowls

  • Ziploc bags, any size

  • Napkins

  • Sugar

  • Salt

  • Paper towels

East End Cooperative Ministry changes the lives of people facing the impacts of poverty.

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