EECM depends upon dedicated staff to help fulfill its mission – people who understand and share its commitment to helping others build healthy, productive lives and to making Pittsburgh’s East End a good, safe place to live and work.
Open Job Opportunities
East End Cooperative Ministry, Inc. promotes the principles of equal opportunity in all decisions involving recruiting, hiring, training, compensation, benefits, promotions, and transfers and in the administration of all other personnel actions. All employment decisions will be made on the basis of each individual employee’s skill ability, merit, potential, experience, and other factors that make an employee a valued member of this organization. No applicant or employee shall be discriminated against in any way due to race, color, religion, political affiliation, national origin, age, sex, veteran status, non-job-related disability, or sexual preference.
Part-Time Driver
Part-Time Program Support Specialist for Housing and Employment Services (Weekends, 3 to 11 p.m.)
While job requirements vary, EECM invites you to complete and submit the Employment Application via our Employee Referral Portal.
East End Cooperative Ministry
Email: hr@eecm.org
6140 Station St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Fax: 412-361-5549
Phone: 412-345-7115