Children & Youth
Children & Youth Services reaches out to young people in the Pittsburgh Public Schools to help them work toward a brighter future. Our programs help children and youth succeed in school, make healthy decisions, explore new interests, set personal goals, and most importantly, learn to value themselves.
If you are interested in any of the following programs, please fill out this form.
For more information email us at children@eecm.org or call us at (412) 345-7172.
Summer Camp
EECM Summer Camp is open to kids growing up in both the good and the challenging environments of the urban community. EECM Summer Camp provides a loving and life-empowering culture and program where kids can get away from the pressures of urban life and experience excitement and healthy fun, all while learning the life skills needed to live vibrant, long, and productive lives. Summer Day Camp offers a wide variety of recreational activities and learning experiences for youth ages 5–16 years over five weeks in July and August. For more information, email children@eecm.org or call us at (412) 345-7172.
In-School/After-School Outreach
Project Rediscovery | ATOD
(Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drugs) Prevention Education
EECM Children & Youth staff passionately work both on school campuses and in out-of-school programs teaching prevention and violence education to young people. We strategically engage kids “where they are” to equip them to be able to reduce, and even resolve, the many negative factors affecting their lives. Drug and alcohol prevention and life-skill education is incorporated into all Children & Youth programs.
L5 Program | Elementary Educational Support Program
The L5 Program (Lifting, Learning, Literacy, Life and Love) Elementary Educational Support and Club provides early academic supports, assistance, and intervention to educationally at-risk students through class shadowing, and one-on-one relationship building.
Creation Station | Media and Musical Outreach Program
EECM Creation Station is committed to inspiring and empowering urban youth through creative, performing, and media arts education. Using media and musical outreach programming, youth participants are encouraged to learn to read music, play instruments, and explore various cultures and musical genre.
Girls Life | Enrichment and Empowerment Program
The goal of Girls Life is to help girls live their best lives by providing them with constructive tools needed to navigate and negotiate today’s society and youth culture. EECM staff serves girls by mentoring, equipping and assisting girls to work toward healthy relationships with self, parents, peers, and adults. We promote positive personal development by teaching life skills, self-regulation skills, education proficiency, anger management, social interaction skills, conflict resolution, communication skills, and promoting respect for self and others in order to plan for immediate and future success.
Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day
This program matches middle and high-school students with professionals working in fields in which the students have expressed an interest. Past students have seen what it’s like to run a small business, work in a hospital, and be a physical trainer.
Recreational Programs
Recreation, Gym, and Drop-In
These programs strive to help youth to develop skills which they can use during their leisure time in a constructive, healthy manner. All recreation programming engages in ongoing extensive instructional techniques that aid participants in acquiring the skills needed to resist drugs, alcohol, and violence, as well as negotiate and navigate urban challenges. The recreation program includes Monday and Friday gym, ice hockey, volleyball teams, basketball teams, Drone Club, Remote Car Club, and Urban Cycling Club.
The EECM and Pittsburgh Ice Hockey Program
This program is sponsored by USA Hockey Together. It was implemented to introduce the sport of hockey to urban youth. The Ice Hockey program operates from October through May. Participants range from second to twelfth grade. Equipment for players is provided by Pittsburgh Ice. There are sessions for beginners, novices, and for those who are more advanced.

“We’d go horseback riding and rock climbing and rafting – urban kids like me just don’t have those opportunities normally. I grew up in the East End, and this area can be pretty rough. Day camp was a place where I could come and get focused.”
BRYANT/ Former EECM Day Camper-turned-Counselor